THIGHBRUSH will be a Vendor at Superstition Harley Davidson's 7th Annual Toy Drive Kick-Off Motorcycle and Car Show

THIGHBRUSH will be a Vendor at Superstition Harley Davidson's 7th Annual Toy Drive Kick-Off Motorcycle and Car Show!
Saturday, November 7, 2020
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Pancake Breakfast 9am
Motorcycle/Car Show 10am-2pm
FREE Admission
Superstition Harley-Davidson
2910 W. Apache Trail, Apache Junction, 85120
~~~Please bring a new unwrapped toy!~~
Car Hop - Vendors - Food - Awards - Live Music
For more information, please visit:
#superstitionhd #superstitionharleydavidson #toydrive #bikers #bikerevents #carshow #bikeshow #livemusic #vendors #thighbrush #thighbrushapparel @superstitionhd @thighbrush @thighbrushapparel