Marine Toys for Tots Annual Ride - Starts at Harley Davidson of Scottsdale - 11-24-2018 - *THIGHBRUSH BOOTH - WHAT THE HELL BAR & GRILL, MESA, AZ!*

Marine Toys for Tots Annual Ride - Harley Davidson of Scottsdale
Hosted by: Broken Wings Foundation and Templar Krusaders MC
Saturday, November 24th, 2018 at 9:00 am
**THIGHBRUSH will be set-up at the end of the ride - What the Hell Bar & Grill in Mesa, AZ from 12:00 noon -9:00 pm. Stop by and see us and support a great cause!!*
Event Info:
Marine Toys For Tots Annual Ride. The first 200 participants to Pre Register will receive a "Swag Bag" which will include a ride pin! Come join us for a day of riding and fun with Santa and his helpers to raise funds and toys for the children of Maricopa County, Arizona! The Broken Wings Foundation in conjunction with the Templar Krusaders MC is honored to host this event!
If you have any questions, concerns or would like to be a sponsor please send an email directly to We look forward to seeing all of you at this wonderful event!
#toysfortots #bikerevents #harleydavidsonofscottsdale #whatthehellbar #marinetoysfortotsannualride #scottsdaleaz #thighbrush #thighbrushnation #thighbrushbikers #bikers #brokenwingsfoundation #templarkrusadersmc