THIGHBRUSH® will be a Sponsor of the Sturgis 2022 Beard & Mustache Contest

GOT THIGHBRUSH?! THIGHBRUSH® will be a Sponsor of the Sturgis 2022 Beard & Mustache Contest! Show off your manly facial hair and make the women swoon!!
Join us at Rally Point (the corner of Legendary Main St. and Harley-Davidson Way). Wednesday, August 10, 2022, Registration at 5pm, $10 Entry Fee.
-Papa Beard (Full Beard over six inches, natural) -Baby Beard (Full Beard under six inches, natural) -Double Dapper (Full Beard with Styled Mustache) -Beer Soakin' Mustache (Natural Mustache) -Dapper Stache (Styled Mustache) -Whiskerina (For the ladies...Think Creative and Themed!)
Event Link:
#thighbrush #sturgis #beardcomp #beards #bearded #beardcontest #bikers #bikerevents #sturgisrally #mustache #facialhair